
Sunday, 9 October 2011

Staff CPD

There has been increasing interest from staff about information literacy, research skills and use of the internet to promote and engage. An introductory lesson last year sparked a lot of attention, particularly from the Science department, who made great use of research skills in their coursework modules last year and noticed an increase in marks in this area, and also MFL, who launched a student blog.

This year we've been asked to expand on this and have designed a CPD course based on the Cambridge Librarians '23 Things' that I followed with great interest through Twitter and their blog posts. Staff are being asked to attend an initial introductory session, but following that, the course will be completed at their convenience, looking at one Thing per week and blogging their progress. If we can get a group of teachers and support staff who are committed to using these tools and passing on these skills, I think this stands a very good chance of making a significant difference. Having seen how much of an impact tools like blogging, Twitter and use of Google docs has had on my own work, the potential here is huge.

 If you'd like to follow along, the whole process will be blogged through the RPS 23 Things blog. Anyone working in a similar field would be more than welcome to join us.

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