
Monday, 17 January 2011

Room, by Emma Donoghue

Five year old Jack lives with Ma in Room.  In Room, there is Rug, there is Bed, there is Table.  All things are proper nouns, because this room and his mother are Jack's entire life, after she was kidnapped and imprisoned by 'Old Nick', who brings them food and comes by almost nightly to take advantage of his prisoner while Jack hides in Wardrobe.  Sounds horrific, and it is, but it is a story of more hope and love than I can remember reading in a long time.  The thing is that Jack's happy in this tiny world, it is all that he knows.  It's only when he tells us of his Ma's desperation, as the details of her story filter down to us, that the true horror of their situation becomes apparent.  It's difficult to say much more without saying too much, but this is truly an amazing book, narrated by an engaging and captivating character.  Looking forward to the discussion on this one.  Read it now.


  1. Nicky! I am SUCH a moron!!!!! I didn't know you were blogging again :( I guess the good news is, I found you now :p So I will no longer be Nicky-less. Glad you read this one!! I loved it!

  2. Haha, hey Chris! This is the public officially library one, so mostly book related but not a full on book blog. I'm still over at the other place too, awwwing over you and Matt posts ;)
    I loved Room so much! Spoke to one person who said she was terribly depressed by it, but I thought it was truly hopeful.

  3. I've heard good things about this one and have seen a few people on the train reading it. My library has it but it looks like I have to get in line.


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